Thursday, October 31, 2019

Communication and Patient Safety Research Design Paper

Communication and Patient Safety Design - Research Paper Example The paper "Communication and Patient Safety Research Design" looks at how samples can be taken without any discrimination. The paper discusses various ways to collect and analyze data before coming up with a strong conclusion based on the research findings and results. The conclusion of this paper is very important to nurses and caregivers as they realize the importance of effective communication in the healthcare facility. Effective communication is vital to the safety of every patient and every nurse is aware of that. For a patient to have a positive outcome, nurses are expected to understand their problems and to effectively communicate with them, noting critical areas that mostly affect the patient. With communication, the nurse is able to identify problems and come up with various ways to solve the problems that the patient might have. It is, however, a common scenario to find that nurses do not provide effective communication to patients and, as a result, cause complications. M ost nurses believe that there is no mathematical proof to evidence that effective communication is vital to positive patient safety and as a result, end up ignoring this very important concept of communication. This paper critically analyzes a sample population of patients to come up with a statistical proof that effective communication is vital to a positive safety outcome from the patient. Is there a mathematical proof that effective communication is vital to patient’s safety? There is a correlation between effective patient communication.... Literature Review For many years, professional nurses have tried to link effective communication to positive patient feedback. Many articles written on this topic bring out varying importance of effective communication to the positive outcome of the patient. One article by Frankel identified that for a patient to show positive results, it was necessary for all parties to have an effective communication with each other. Nurses and caregivers have to understand the patients by involving them in various clinical procedures. Factors that influence communication were also identified. The key factor that was identified was the system that the entire hospital used. Some hospitals and healthcare facilities have large and complicated systems that make it hard for patients to effectively communicate with healthcare providers. The larger and more complex the system of the hospital, the harder it is for the patients to effectively communicate with the healthcare providers. Due to this factor, it is necessary for healthcare facilities to ensure that their systems are simple to understand and that the hospital or healthcare facility is organized into departments that allow effective communication between the patient and the caregiver. Another factor that influenced communication between the patient and their caregiver is the nature of the patient. There are patients who are hard to understand. They are complicated and in most cases would not communicate effectively with the caregiver. This is one of the major communication challenges that a caregiver might face. When faced with any hostile patient who is not willing to provide any useful information that may help in their case, it is common for errors to occur. Thus, nurses should ensure that they fully understand their

Monday, October 28, 2019

Learning & process Essay Example for Free

Learning process Essay Learning is a never ending process. When a person graduates from primary or tertiary education, he or she should never be contented with the knowledge that he or she has acquired. Instead, there should always be a sense of longing, thriving, and enthusiasm for more knowledge. An adult is just equally capable as a person in his prime years to learn and acquire knowledge. One should not consider his age as an obstacle to nurture and nourish his brain with more information that are yet to be acquired. A person should never be contented with whatever little knowledge he has. An adult who enters graduate school has more advantages than disadvantages. An adult would have more experiences in life and in living compared with others, and this would enable the former to connect his experiences with his education. In other words, there would be a more realistic approach to learning. Often, people who enter graduate school with little experience from their jobs would tend to be more idealistic with their views about the theories presented in class. The decision of an adult to enter into graduate school to obtain a master’s degree falls in between the life stages of Transcending and Life Calling. These stages talks about a person’s journey in life wherein he has already mastered his craft and already knows his strengths and weaknesses. As such, he would now use this knowledge to achieve his goal in life. Thereafter, this person may now realize his purpose and this is associated with his life calling. The reason for living of the person becomes clear, and he is now ready to make radical steps for the realization of his goal. The decision to enter into graduate school is not easy. But, a person who has a clear idea of what he wants in life would not think twice about making this decision. The person would view graduate school as a means, a tool to enable him to achieve his goal to make him successful. Resources: Manifest Your Potential. 2004-2005. The Eight Stages of Life. Retrieved from http://www. manifestyourpotential. com/en/lifeskills/lifestages/eight_stages. htm

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Next Big Thing What Is Pinterest Marketing Essay

The Next Big Thing What Is Pinterest Marketing Essay Pinterest is a website that lets individuals or businesses gather and share the numerous interesting items, pictures, videos, or anything that interests them; It is essentially a community of curators (Pinterest, 2012, p.1). The term pin refers to posting or placing an item on your pinboard (Pinterest, 2012, p.1). Individuals use pinboards to beautify their households/offices, design their weddings, learn about new recipes, and other interesting things (Pinterest, 2012, p.1). The website allows users to browse through other pinboards of individuals or brands; browsing through pinboards is an exciting way to discover new ideas (Pinterest, 2012, p.2). Pinterest users are encouraged to interact with the content by repining it, sharing pins on Facebook and Twitter or via email, and even embedding individual pins on their website or blog (Hubspot, 2012, pg. 9). . 1.1 Brief History of Pinterest Pinterest was created by a company called Cold Brew Labs in 2009 (Carlson, 2012, pg. 1). Cold Brew Labs initially consisted of three founders, but a couple of months later it consisted of only Ben Silberman and Paul Sciarra (Carlson, 2012, pg. 1). It has since grown to become one the best and most used social media platform. As of Fall 2012, Pinterest had over 11 million users, of which up to 80% of the users are women between the ages of 25 and 55 (Hayden, 2012, p.1). According to Beth Hayden (2012), the demographic is shifting and there are more men joining Pinterest, she also goes on to talk about how Pinterest users are fairly affluent, with an average salary of $50,000. 1.2 SWOT Analysis of Pinterest The major strengths of Pinterest are its users, its fun and easy interface, its ability to increase traffic, ability to increase sales, and its abilty to link and lead (Hubspot, 2012, pg. 9-12). The major weaknesses of Pinterest are spams, the fact that it is not on all smartphones, and also the fact that they are yet to develop a clear, effective revenue mode (Hubspot, 2012). Opportunities available for Pinterest are take over/mergers, more mobile apps, and. Threats are clone sites, biggers sites like google, facebook (Hubspot, 2012). 2. How Are They Influencing Social Media? 3-5 years ago an average online customer would have to ask friends or professional for wedding tips, home dà ©cor tips, or even food tips. Today, Pinterest is changing the way we access information, we no longer need to pay a professional for wedding tips, home dà ©cor tips, etc. However, the main question is how does that influence social media? Well, Pinterest has filled the void social media giants Facebook and Twitter have failed to fill by providing consumers and sellers the perfect medium to exchange ideas visually. At present, Pinterest is driving more referral traffic than LinkedIn, Google+ and YouTube combined, the only social media platform driving more traffic than Pinterest is Facebook (Hayden, 2012, p.11) Pinterest, whose users have been proven to buy more items, spend more money, and complete more transactions online than any other site (Crum, 2012, p. 2). In short, the people who use Pinterest are the ones at the heart of every social media outlet on the market these days, and what theyre looking at and buying is critical to any successful merchant (Crum, 2012, p. 2). 3. How Can Businesses Effectively Use Pinterest Pinterest presents businesses with a variety of activities you can initiate to market your company to a new audience (Hubspot, 2012, pg. 22). The goal is to increase or attain brand recognition, drive traffic to your website and be successful at transferring the new visits into leads and/or sales (Hubspot, 2012, pg. 22) Pinterest is an awesome social media platform for businesses that rely on high-volume of website traffic to increase sales. In fact, early research indicates that Pinterest is more effective at driving traffic compared to other social media sites, even Facebook (Hubspot, 2012, pg. 10). At the end of the day, whats going to matter most is how much traffic, leads, sales, and customers you generate via Pinterest (Hubspot, 2012, pg.27). What is the behaviour of traffic? What topic drives traffic? Analytics tools like Pin Alert, Pinerly, and Pinvolve can help a business monitor and measure growth (Honigman, 2012, p.1). 3.1 How To Drive Website Traffic and/or Sales Via Pinterest First of all, the business has to realize that it has to gain followers, and the easiest way to do this is by becoming an information curator for your niche (Hayden, 2012, p.1). Gather the newest and best resources on your boards. Become a trusted source of information on Pinterest, and your following will grow by leaps and bounds (Hayden, 2012, p.1). Also, Connect your account with your Facebook and Twitter accounts. Not only will it help you gain followers, but making this connection adds social media icons under your profile picture that link to your Facebook and Twitter profiles (Hayden, 2012, p.1). A lot of brands have already started creating contests using Pinterest. Hold a contest that asks users to create a pinboard on their own account to demonstrate what they love about your brand, products, or services (Hubspot, 2012, pg. 25) Make it super easy for website visitors to share your visual content or images on Pinterest by adding a Pin It button to your site (Hayden, 2012, p.1). Just like other social media sharing buttons, this will help to expose your brand to a new audience (Hayden, 2012, p.1). Offer exclusive Pinterest promotions. Create pins that give special promotions for following you on Pinterest (Hayden, 2012, p.1). Create a board that tells the story of your company and communicates your core values. Make this board available to people as part of your sales process (Hayden, 2012, p.1). 4. Brands Already On Pinterest Pinterest offers a great medium to connect with your audience. The brands that have been most successful arent just enabling users to pin their content; rather, theyre getting in on the pinning themselves (Hubspot, 2012, pg. 34) Unlike Twitter, The top profiles, owned by individuals, on Pinterest are over 10 times larger than the top profiles owned by companies, and none are celebrity accounts (business insider, 2012). Individuals who have been successful have kept it simple: Lots of pictures of food and fashion (Minato, 2012, p.2) Pinterest offers a great medium to connect with your audience. The brands that have been most successful arent just enabling users to pin their content; rather, theyre getting in on the pinning themselves. (Hubspot, 2012, pg. 34) Below are 5 brands that are doing well: Perfect Pallete Drake University Mashable Wall Street Journal Whole Foods Market 4.1 What are they doing right? While Pinterest is still very young and its true ROI remains to be seen, here are three examples of brands who are already using Pinterest the right way: to engage fans in a meaningful way that gets them to react, share, and even convert (Hubspot, 2012, pg. 34) The Perfect Palette, a wedding blog that explores the color palette possibilities for your wedding and serves, as a resource for other wedding ideas, would seem to be a perfect match for Pinterest and it is (Wasserman, 2012, p.1). Drake University for instance uses Pinterest to interact with students and help them navigate campus life, they also showcases items its student population might actually be interested in: clothing that matches the schools colors, room dà ©cor perfect for the dorm, guides to making cheap food look and taste awesome, and study inspirations (Hubspot, 2012, pg. 39). If you are a potential student, you can learn everything you need to know about the school with just a few quick glances (Hubspot, 2012, pg. 34) Meanwhile, since Pinterest looks a bit like a newspaper, the Wall Street Journal made it into an actual newspaper. The newspaper takes the most interesting quotes from its articles, highlights them on its Quotes Board and then encourages users to click on them (Minato, 2012, p.1). Food is one of the major niches or shared interests on Pinterest. In fact, food lovers were among the first on Pinterest; they saw the benefits of pinning instead of clipping recipes. These foodies used boards to plan dinner parties, collect holiday baking ideas, and create their own virtual cookbooks (Helm, 2012, p.4). 5. Conclusion As you can tell, the trick to succeeding on Pinterest isnt necessarily about showing off your products or services directly. Its about finding creative ways to show how those products and services fit into the lifestyles of your target audience (Hubspot, 2012, pg. 43). Take the best practices we have shared here and start pinning content that represents your company identity and attracts visitors back to your website (Hubspot, 2012, pg. 43). Finally, dont invest a ton of effort in marketing on Pinterest unless you can measure the results of your activities (Hubspot, 2012, pg. 43). Be smart about the way you prioritize your marketing initiatives and keep a close eye on the specific benefits this new social network can provide to your business (Hubspot, 2012, pg. 43). At the end, it comes down to this: make an amazing product, and people will buy it (Patterson, 2011, p.1)

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Floor Exercise :: Exercise Physiology

Floor Exercise   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Floor exercise is a sequence of tumbles, leaps, and balances, which make a gymnastics performance. No equipment is used, only a mat and open space. At competitions, judges look for good posture, proper technique, continuity, and variety.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Floor exercise builds confidence and character. Your self confidence increases as you learn body control. As you become involved you will gain self discipline. You will learn valuable lessons about exercise, eating correctly, and getting the proper amount of rest, leading to a healthy and longer life. Competitive acrobatics have various levels at which people can participate and gain recognition for achievements. Most important, floor exercise is fun. More challenging the than other activities. Tumbling is considered the basis of all acrobatics. Although it is not one of the four Olympic competitive events, tumbling is important because the skills you learn will help you perform the other events. For example, the basic forward roll can also be performed on the balance beam and in the floor exercise, and is important even when learning the vault and the uneven bars.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The best way to learn floor exercise is through progressions. A progression is a step by step method of learning skills, beginning with the easy ones and gradually mastering the more difficult ones. If you wanted to learn a forward somersault, you would not just start out trying to do the somersault. Instead, you would learn a whole series of skills one by one, moving along to the next one only after you mastered the first. It is important to be patient when learning floor exercises through progressions. Do not move on to the next skill in the progression until you and your coach have determined that you are ready. This method will allow you to learn a large number of skills while having fun and developing confidence. If you find a skill to be particularly difficult to learn, perhaps you are trying to take too big of a step, or too many, in your progression. Ask your coach for assistance. She or he can almost always give you smaller steps that will help you reach your goal. In learning acrobatics or any other sport it requires that you also learn the language of the sport. The language of acrobatics is quite complicated. For example, a forward roll is done on the ground, but a forward somersault or salto is done in the air. Someone might think that you have learned a front flip, but you will know that this is really a salto.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Floor exercise is fun and one of the best overall physical fitness

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The World in a Train

One Sunday I entrained for Baliwag, a town in Bulacan which can well afford to hold two fiestas a year without a qualm.I took the train partly because I am prejudiced in favor of the government-owned railroad, partly because I am allowed comparative comfort in a coach, and finally because trains sometimes leave and arrive according to schedule.In the coach I found a little world, a section of the abstraction called humanity whom we are supposed to love and live for. I had previously arranged to divide the idle hour or so between cultivating my neglected Christianity and smoothing out the rough edges of my nature with the aid of grateful sights without – the rolling wheels, the flying huts and trees and light-green palay seedlings and carabaos along the way.Inertia, I suppose, and the sort of reality we moderns know make falling in love with my immediate neighbors often a matter of severe strain and effort to me.Let me give a sketchy picture of the little world whose company Ma ng Kiko shared in moments which soon passed away affecting most of us.First, there came to my notice three husky individuals who dusted their seats furiously with their handkerchiefs without regard to hygiene or the brotherhood of men. It gave me no little annoyance that on such a quiet morning the unpleasant aspects in other people's ways should claim my attention.Then there was a harmless-looking middle-aged man in green camisa de chino with rolled sleeves who must have entered asleep. When I noticed him he was already snugly entrenched in a corner seat, with his slippered feet comfortably planted on the opposite seat, all the while his head danced and  dangled with the motion of the train. I could not, for the love of me, imagine how he would look if he were awake.A child of six in the next seat must have shared with me in speculating about the dreams of this sleeping man in green. Was he dreaming of the Second World War or the price of eggs? Had he any worries about the perman ent dominion status or the final outcome of the struggles of the masses, or was it merely the arrangement of the scales on a fighting roaster's legs that brought that frown on his face?But the party that most engaged my attention was a family of eight composed of a short but efficient father, four very young children, mother, grandmother, and another woman who must have been the efficient father's sister. They distributed themselves on four benches – you know the kind of seats facing each other so that half the passengers travel backward. The more I looked at the short but young and efficient father the shorter his parts looked to me. His movements were fast and short, too. He removed his coat, folded it carefully and slung it on the back of his seat. Then he pulled out his wallet from the hip pocket and counted his money while his wife and the rest of his group watched the ritual without a word.Then the short, young, and efficient father stood up and pulled out two banana le af bundles from a bamboo basket and spread out both bundles on one bench and log luncheon was ready at ten o'clock. With the efficient father leading the charge, the children (except the baby in his grandmother's arms) began to dig away with little encouragement and aid from the elders. In a short while the skirmish was over, the enemy – shrimps, omelet, rice and tomato sauce – were routed out, save for a few shrimps and some rice left for the grandmother to handle in her own style later.Then came the water-fetching ritual. The father, with a glass in hand, led the march to the train faucet, followed by three children whose faces still showed the marks of a hard-fought-battle. In passing between me and a person, then engaged in a casual conversation with me, the short but efficient father made a courteous gesture which is still good to see in  these democratic days; he bent from the hips and, dropping both hands, made an opening in the air between my collocutor and m e – a gesture which in unspoiled places means â€Å"Excuse Me.†In one of the stations where the train stopped, a bent old woman in black boarded the train. As it moved away, the old woman went about the coach, begging holding every prospective Samaritan by the arm, and stretching forth her gnarled hand in the familiar fashion so distasteful to me at that time. There is something in begging which destroys some fiber in most men. â€Å"Every time you drop a penny into a beggar's palm you help degrade a man and make it more difficult for him to rise with dignity. . .†There was something in his beggar's eye which seemed to demand. â€Å"Now do your duty.† And I did. Willy-nilly I dropped a coin and thereby filled my life with repulsion. Is this Christianity? â€Å"Blessed are the poor.† But with what speed did that bent old woman cross the platform into the next coach!While thus engaged in unwholesome thought, I felt myself jerked as the train made a c urve to the right. The toddler of the family of eight lost his balance and caught the short but efficient father off-guard. In an instant all his efficiency was employed in collecting the shrieking toddler from under his seat. The child had, in no time, developed two elongated bumps on the head, upon which was applied a moist piece of cloth. There were no reproaches, no words spoken. The discipline in the family was remarkable, or was it because they considered the head as a minor anatomical appendage and was therefore nor worth the fuss?Occasionally, when the child's crying rose above the din of the locomotive and the clinkety-clank of the wheels on the rails, the father would jog about a bit without blushing, look at the bumps on his child's head, shake his own, and move his lips saying, â€Å"Tsk, Tsk.† And nothing more.Fairly tired of assuming the minor responsibilities of my neighbors in this little world in motion, I looked into the distant horizon where the blue Cordil leras merged into the blue of the sky. There I rested my thoughts  upon the billowing silver and grey of the clouds, lightly remarking upon their being a trial to us, although they may not know it. We each would mind our own business and suffer in silence for the littlest mistakes of others; laughing at their ways if we happened to be in a position to suspend our emotion and view the whole scene as a god would; or, we could weep for other men if we are the mood to shed copious tears over the whole tragic aspect of a world thrown out of joint.It is strange how human sympathy operates. We assume an attitude of complete indifference to utter strangers whom we have seen but not met. We claim that they are the hardest to fall in love with in the normal exercise of Christian charity. Then a little child falls from a seat, or a beggar stretches forth a gnarled hand, or three husky men dust their seats; and we are, despite our pretensions, affected. Why not? If even a sleeping man who doe s nothing touches our life!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

My Ideal Job

My Ideal Job Most people learn knowledge because they hope to obtain an ideal job for themselves. For my part, it is also an important reason that I learn knowledge.For my future working environment, I would like to work in marketing sector. Marketing has more to do with identifying customer needs and developing the right products to satisfy those needs, and it reaches are public through advertising. I hope that the company is located in Central Business District, and there are about a great hundred employees in the company.In addition, I think that the private secretary would be my ideal job through long studying and working. As the private secretary, I should help Director of Marketing to handle and answer his business correspondence, keep multifarious files and records of company, especially relating to some files and records of Director of Marketing, and take minutes of the meetings which is attended by him.Certainly, besides the salary, I expect to get some perks. For example, holidays and v acation time, Employee Assistance Program, social functions, subsidized health coverage for spouses, domestic partners, and competitive health care benefit coverage, including medical, dental, vision, life and so on. I need also grasp some professional knowledge about marketing, computer skills, negotiation skills, and experience of study abroad, except my basic knowledge for the job.In conclusion, because I know to speak and act cautiously, and I am very good at paperwork and daily routine, I feel that I might be suitable for the private secretary in the future.