Friday, November 8, 2019

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter,and Spring Essays

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter,and Spring Essays Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter,and Spring Essay Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter,and Spring Essay This is the main drama of the movie and is what most of the movie revolves around. Finally the last point that I want to stress was the Eightfold path and how it explains in what ways the perfect Buddhist should be. It is shown throughout the entire movie and unfolds along with the movie. Going through I want to explore each of these concepts and dive deeper into their meanings and grasp a better understanding while connecting every point with the movie Spring, Summer, Fall, , and Spring. Winter . In the Spring portion of the movie It shows the student as a young child. He Is even the freedom to roam around as he pleases around halls house and In the forest surrounding his home. One day he goes out to play In the forest not knowing that he is being watched by his teacher. In good humor the small boy ties a string attached with a rock around a fish, and then a frog, and finally a snake, making it highly difficult for any of them to move around. The master observes this behavior, however does not make his presence known. Some time later, the master ties a large stone to the back of the child while he is sleeping one night in order to teach him the harm of hat he had done to the animals. Palling says of the Buddhist precept that we have to behave with friendliness, understanding, and loving-kindness towards ourselves, other people, animals, and even plants and the planet we live on (21). In order to behave with friendliness, we have to understand what that entails. The boy was too young to grasp this understanding of friendliness, thus making his master teach him by doing to him what he had done to the animals. In summer of the movie the young child has much progressed from a young boy to a young man. He has lived in isolation from what it appears to be his whole life, just him and his master. A young woman, whom appears to be about his age, is very ill and comes to their house to get well. She stays with them for quite some time and the student tries very hard, however he cannot overcome his temptations. At first every time he had a sexual thought he immediately caught himself and would go pray to the Buddha. Unfortunately though after awhile the temptations become stronger as with his curiosity and one day is overcome with his emotions. Besides he fact that he is giving In to his cravings, he Is also giving less time and thought Into his religious day to day activities. Buddhism does not view the Idea of sex Itself as bad, however what It can become Is what they are against (Palling 25). Buddhist Instead encourage their followers to drop all forms of slavery or burden and discourage giving into and over indulging into temptations (Palling 25). The young man was not In trouble Tort Dealing Involved In a sexual act, want was Drowned upon was the idea that he was sneaking around and not performing his duties because of t. He was no longer able to control himself or his emotions, he acted as if he needed that craving and that is the weakness that is not excepted. Throughout the movie it was hard not to notice the elements that made up the Noble Eightfold Path which consists of perfect vision, perfect emotion, perfect speech, perfect action, perfect livelihood, perfect effort, perfect awareness, and perfect Ashamed (concentration) are crucial at the last scenes of the movie (Palling 50). The young boy that we observed in the beginning of the movie has now completely ransomed into an older man that has gone through life and has made a terrible mistake; murder. He has now returned, after serving time in Jail, to where he grew up to discover his master long gone and his house abandoned. Out of respect he performs a ritual to put his masters soul at rest, and the gets started on what he went there to do. He took out his masters old robes and started to practice Buddhism rituals, reading, writing, and yoga. After a long while of training and much Ashamed, concentration, he starts the great task of putting his past behind him. At his point in the movie is where all of the Noble Eightfold Path ideals are shown. As he puts on his robes and carries a statue of the Buddha with a large stone tied to his back, to symbolize the weight of his past, he makes the tremendous Journey up to the mountain peaks to place the ever watching Buddha on the top of the mountain facing his house. This was a very pivotal moment in the movie showing all of the Noble Eightfold Path ideals but it also showed that he was no longer a student anymore but a person that had made a change and that was ready to move on with his life and become a teacher. In conclusion,

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