Sunday, December 22, 2019

Lord God, God And God - 851 Words

The Hebrew Bible is a redaction, a single document stitched together using different sources. The first book, Genesis, means origin: both the origin of the world (creation) and modern humans (genealogy). It is the product of two sources known as the Priestly source (P) and the Yahwistic or Non-Priestly Source (J). The two sources present different versions of the supreme being: God and Lord God. While God and Lord God both have immense power and the unique ability to create, they are separate characters with separate personalities. Lord God is like a Greek anthropomorphic god with human desires and limitations, whereas God is an all-powerful abstract being of pure spirit. Lord God, like a Greek anthropomorphic god, has a human form and body. We first learn about Lord God in chapter two, the second creation story. Firstly, Lord God â€Å"formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath.† (2.7) The verb â€Å"to form† implies that Lord God made man with his hands, and he has a breath, so he is not just an immaterial being. Therefore, Lord God must have a physical form because he is directly involved in the work of creation, not just commanding things to be. We see evidence of his physical presence later when Adam and Eve â€Å"[hear] the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (3.8) For Lord God to be walking and making noise in the garden, he would need to have feet, and by extension, a body. In addition to his human physique, Lord God has a humanShow MoreRelatedThe Lord Of God Essay1656 Words   |  7 PagesSent by whom? And what orders? 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