Monday, December 30, 2019

There Is No One Common Definition For Organized Crime,

There is no one common definition for organized crime, after extensive research criminologists seem to describe organized crime as, a criminal conspiracy of several persons motivated for economic enrichment. On the other hand, the FBI defines organized crime as, any group having some formalized structure and whose primary objective is to obtain through illegal activities.† Organized crime branches out into various criminal activities, such as cybercrime, money laundering, counterfeiting, illicit drug trafficking, and human trafficking to mention a few. Organized crime cells that involve drug trafficking systematically have a hierarchical system that include the upper level drug trafficker, high level drug trafficker, importer,†¦show more content†¦It is imperative that the candidate have some business experience and have a respectable lifestyle away from drug trafficking. Within a drug trafficking organization there is always that someone or group of people what are willing to take that next step into bigger shoes and take the lead. Such top job would only occur if the upper level drug trafficker is arrested. Although incarcerated the upper level drug trafficker may lose his spot on the totem pole, he can still call the shots from prison. Many organized crime and illicit drug trafficking seem to branch out hand in hand. A drug trafficking organization (DTO) is a criminal enterprise solely out to make money and without blinking an eye would economically exploit a person or persons in a heartbeat. There are some criminal cells that are very influential in that they can corrupt high ranking public officials. For the DTO to be successful corruption and violence is commanded. There have been several occasions where a commissioned officer, judge or a border patrol agent has given in to the greed of money and wealth and allowed a DTO to be able to comfortably move merchandise as needed. Should there be a problem, then the DTO utilizes violence in whatever form necessary to fix the problem at hand. It’s pathetic when illicit drug trafficking monies are included in Mexico’s economic value statistics. Six percent of the gross domestic product are that of illicit drugShow MoreRelatedMy Perception Of Organized Crime933 Words   |  4 PagesThere are few adults in this country who have not heard of the terms â€Å"Mafia†, the â€Å"Mob†, or â€Å"Organized Crime†. Hence, there are probably as many opinions of what these terms mean as there are people who know them. Over the years, my perceptions about organized crime came mainly through Hollywood productions or news accounts of criminal activity. Overall, I have had a disapproving opinion of organized crime. 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